Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's About Time!

Somehow I just managed to delete all but one of my previous posts from my last attempt at training so I suppose I should get to updating this!

Yes, it's true, I'm back on this long, painful road of half marathon training. I finally got the spark back in about mid-January and have my sites set on the Salt Lake Marathon on April 18.

Through the remainder of January and all of February I followed a pretty consistent training program but hit a wall as March arrived. Since my immune system is as strong as my upper body, I think the training took it's tol on my body and I've spent the last 2 weeks sick.

I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things today so hopefully I'll be able to pull it together.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ready, Set....

It's the "Go" that I have a hard time with. I am great at getting things "ready" and "set" in my life, but then I struggle beyond that. But, there's no better time to change all that than the present.

It's true, I have committed to running a HALF MARATHON this year. This is huge for me because I have never in my life been athletic, or in good shape. I was always that girl that nobody wanted on their team. The one that would get up to bat in softball and everyone would yell "SCOOT UP!" The one that would end up getting smacked in the face with the soccer ball. The one that would run up and down the basketball court, and no matter how "open" I was, would never touch the ball. Needless to say, I gave up on team sports by about age 5.

Over the past couple years I have delt with my share of illness and I've also packed on the pounds. I just kind of always feel blah. Plus, the older I get, the more the reality sinks in that by not making my health and fitness a priority, I'm setting myself up for a number of ailments and diseases - especially diabetes which is so prevelant in my family.

So, I have finally decided to turn this little thought of "someday I'd like to run a half marathon" into a total, life consuming fury. I feel like by having this goal ahead of me, all my other smaller goals, such as losing weight, getting in shape, and improving my eating habits, will have to fall in place in order for me to succeed.

Along with the great health benefits I hope to gain, I want to do this to prove to myself that I really can accomplish anything I truely set my mind to. The more I think about this and prepare myself for it, the more I realize just how completely committed I need to be to this. It's a daunting task for me to say the least, but one I am excited about and one that I hope to accomplish.

This blog is going to be my sounding board. My place to go to complain about the aches and pains I'm about to experience and my place to keep motivated. If you're interested, feel free to check back. Encouraging words are always appreciated :) So... it's time... GO!